What We Do

Monthly Speaker Series: We host roundtable discussions with prominent thinkers, some as intimate dinners and others as seminars at the Princeton Center at Qinghua University. These events are open to Princeton alumni as well as the general public. Since 2013, our guests have included Bill Bikes ’76, Jinqing Cai *93, Professor C.P. Chou, Y.S. Chi ’83, Professor Bernard Haykel, former Vice-Provost Diana Davies, Professor David Miller, former deputy U.S. Surgeon General David Rutstein, Ted Plafker, David Sedney ’73 and many more. 

Princeton Admissions Interviews: We field Princeton alumni volunteers to interview applicants from China. For several years running, we have achieved a 100% interview rate.  With more and more Chinese applicants every year, this is a testament to the engagement of our alumni.

Road to China: Together with the Harvard Club of Beijing, we put on an annual career seminar in the summer for students who are considering employment in China. We have had over 70 students interact with more than 30 alumni panelists working in industries ranging from energy, education, law, tech, finance, diplomacy, consulting, and more.

Community Service: We organize community service events with charities such as the Bread of Life Bakery and Roundabout in Beijing. In 2015, an average of around 50 people attended these events, all of which generated positive feedback. 

Social Events: We like to bring our alums together for a good time. We organize charity balls, holiday mixers, trivia contests, happy hours, China skiing trips, and more, often co-sponsored by other alumni associations.

Development: Princeton Alumni Association of Beijing is a tax-deductible entity incorporated in Hong Kong. Our officers volunteer their time and we collect membership dues in order to cover general operating expenses. However, we are always looking for additional support in order to subsidize events for Princeton students and young professionals, as well as to increase the scope of our activity in China.

2014.12.18.Dinner Talk on Ebola with Dr. Rutstein, Former US Deputy Surgeon


Dinner Talk on Ebola with Dr. Rutstein, Former US Deputy Surgeon

Our Future Goals

The Princeton Alumni Association of Beijing is proud of the events and services it provides to the PAABJ community, but we are always seeking to grow and expand the organization. This group of officers currently has set out to achieve the following overarching goals during their term:

  • Promote the values of Princeton University, in particular by engaging in community service together with local high schools in order to promote Chinese civic society and to live up to Princeton’s unofficial motto “in the Nation’s Service and the Service of All Nations”.

  • Facilitate and encourage more Princeton students and alumni with an interest in interning or working in China to find and pursue opportunities that interest them.

  • Strengthen official structures and streamlined processes, such as convening an official advisory board, integrating our various communication channels in order to reach all interested PAABJ members, and working more closely with the University in order to sustain and promote the long-term growth and influence of PAABJ and Princeton University in China.


Dinner with Princeton Administrators and Faculty Members

©2016 Princeton Alumni Association of Beijing